Deliver Packs

AIRPCS Handled Wine Bag for 1 Bottle
Item code : WB-U-PN-C
Brand : AIRPCS
Product Introduction
The best bodyguard for your wine!

500 pieces per carton
1 bottle for each bag
WineAIRPCS prevent wine bottles from damage during delivery. Wine temperature in our WineAIRPCS can be maintained for a certain period of time as air is a poor conductor of heat.
WineAIRPCS is perfect for regular 750ml wine bottle.
500 pieces per carton
1 bottle for each bag
How to use:
An inflator or an air compressor is needed (with air pressure set to 0.8kg/10psi). Blowing out during inflating is avoided with a pressure regulator.
Don't know how to inflate? <FAQ>
Inflation demonstration <Click Here>